BMGT 495 – Project 3: Internal Environment Analysis (Week 6)

BMGT 495 – Project 3: Internal Environment Analysis (Week 6) Companies Name: Acacia Communication Inc. NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work (and only yours). You may not use any wor

Project 3:  Internal Environmental Analysis

(Your Name)

BMGT 495 (section number)

(Instructor’s Name)

(Please do not use pictures or images on the Title Page – remove from your final copy)


(The Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main points covered in the paper.  This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.  Write the introduction last to ensure all of the main points are covered.)

Strategic Role of Corporate Strengths/Weaknesses in the Internal Strategy Analysis

  1. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s corporate-level strategies.)
  1. Create a partial SWOT table and performs a SW analysis and discuss the strategic inferences/implications (Discuss what strategies would allow the company to capitalize on its major strengths and what strategies would allow the company to improve upon its major.) weaknesses.)
  1. Create an IFE matrix analysis.  Make sure to explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications.)
  1. Develop a Grand Strategy Matrix.  Make sure to explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications at a corporate level and business-unit-level.)

Strategic Role of Internal Resources/Departments/Processes

  1. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s business-level strategies)
  1. Evaluate the company’s product line and target market.)
  1. Identify and explain business-level strategies.)

(2. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s functional-level strategies)

    1. Assess the organizational structure, the organizational culture, marketing production, operations, finance and accounting, and R&D that can be accomplished by viewing the company’s website, interviews, and surveys.)
    1. Explain how these strategies align with the company’s vision and mission statements.)

Strategic Financial Analysis for the Last Reported Fiscal Year 

(1, Use the company’s income statement and balance sheet to calculate no less than a total of ten (10) key financial ratios to the business that are relevant to the focal company.  There must be a mix of four different key categories inclusive of the leverage, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratios so that the ratios do not all come from the same category. The specific ratios selection must come from the following categories.)

  1. Leverage Ratios (Long term debt ratio, Total debt ratio, Debt-to-equity ratio, Times interest earned ratio, and Cash coverage ratio).
  2. Liquidity Ratios (Net working capital to total assets ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio)
  3. Efficiency Ratios (Asset turnover ratio, Average collection period, Inventory turnover ratio, and Days sales outstanding)
  4. Profitability Ratios (Net profit margin, Return on assets, and Return on equity)

(The selection of the ratios has to be relevant to the focal company so it is important to choose wisely.)

(2. Quote industry financial average ratios that correlate to the 10 financial ratios selected for the focal company.)

(3. Discuss the corporate financial standing based on a financial ratio analysis.  Include whether the company’s financial ratio is a strength, a weakness or a neutral factor.

Note:  Use the library to find the industry averages. A librarian can assist if you have difficulty finding. If copied directly from the Internet, a zero will be assigned. When placing any table or figure in a table, it must be explained in detail.

Composite Analysis

A composite analysis is one in which you will bring in a combination of relevant factors from the various analyses (EFE Matrix, IFE matrix, CPM matrix, SWOT, BCG Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and QSPM).  The QSPM is a tool that helps determine the relative attractiveness of feasible alternative strategies based on the external and internal key success factors.

(1. Develop a Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis.   Make sure to discuss how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications.)

  1. Develop a composite analysis on internal factor strategy analysis based on the qualitative and quantitative analytical outcomes from those steps above.


(Create a concluding paragraph.  The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the project’s requirements.  You will draw conclusions about the findings of the external environment analysis.)


(The reference page is on a separate page from the report. The reference page is completed according to APA with each reference left-justified with hanging indentation for subsequent lines. References are completed in alphabetical order. Please see the module, Learn to Use APA to ensure references are in APA format.) Class Class

In this class, you will modify and implement several different methods. You will need to refer back to the code from the other classes to properly implement these methods.

  1. As a reminder, you must demonstrate industry standard best practices, such as in-line comments to denote changes and describe functionality and appropriate naming conventions throughout the code that you create or modify for this class.
  1. First, you will modify the main() method. In main(), you must create a menu loop that does the following:
    • Displays the menu by calling the displayMenu() method. This method is in the class.
    • Prompts the user for input
    • Includes input validation. If the user inputs a value not on the menu, the program should print an error message.
    • Takes the appropriate action based on the value that the user entered.

    IMPORTANT: In the Module Five milestone, you were asked to create a menu loop but were not required to include input validation. Be sure to include input validation for your Project Two submission.

  1. Next, you will complete the intakeNewDog() method. Your completed method should do the following:
    • Prompt the user for input
    • Include input validation. Note: The required input validation has already been included in the starter code; be sure to review it.
    • Set data for all attributes based on user input
    • Add the newly instantiated dog to an ArrayList

    Hint: Remember to refer to the accessors and mutators in the Dog and RescueAnimal classes as you create this method.

  1. Next, you will implement the intakeNewMonkey() method. Before you do this, you will need to create a monkey ArrayList in the class. Refer to the dog ArrayList for an example. Then, begin implementing the intakeNewMonkey() method. Your completed method should do the following:
    • Prompt the user for input
    • Include input validation for the monkey’s name and species type. If the user enters an invalid option, the program should print an error message.
    • Set data for all attributes based on user input
    • Add the newly instantiated monkey to an ArrayList

    Hint: Remember to refer to the accessors and mutators in your Monkey and RescueAnimal classes as you create this method.

  2. IMPORTANT: In the Module Five milestone, you began implementing this method but were not required to include input validation. Be sure to include input validation for your Project Two submission.
  1. Next, you will implement the reserveAnimal() method. Your completed method should do the following:
    • Prompt the user for input. The user should enter their desired animal type and country.
    • If there is an available animal which meets the user’s input criteria, the method should access an animal object from an ArrayList. If there are multiple animals that meet these criteria, the program should access the first animal in the ArrayList. The method should also update the “reserved” attribute of the accessed animal.
    • If there is not an available animal which meets the user’s input criteria, the method should output feedback to the user letting them know that no animals of that type and location are available.
  1. Finally, you have been asked to implement a printAnimals() method that provides easy-to-read output displaying the details of objects in an ArrayList.
    • To demonstrate this criterion in a “proficient” way, your implemented method must successfully print the ArrayList of dogs or the ArrayList of monkeys.
    • To demonstrate this criterion in an “exemplary” way, your implemented method must successfully print a list of all animals that are “in service” and “available”

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Driver {
private static ArrayList dogList = new ArrayList();
private static ArrayList monkeyList = new ArrayList();
private static ArrayList monkeySpecies = new ArrayList();
// Instance variables (if needed)
Object listDogs = new Object();

public static void main(String[] args) {


Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

String userIn = scnr.nextLine();

while (!userIn.equalsIgnoreCase(“Q”)) {

if (userIn.equals(“1”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equals(“2”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equals(“3”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equals(“4”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equals(“5”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equals(“6”)) {
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

else {
System.out.println(“Invalid input”);
userIn = scnr.nextLine();

if (userIn.equalsIgnoreCase(“q”)) {
System.out.println(“Exiting program”);

// This method prints the menu options
public static void displayMenu() {
System.out.println(“\t\t\t\tRescue Animal System Menu”);
System.out.println(“[1] Intake a new dog”);
System.out.println(“[2] Intake a new monkey”);
System.out.println(“[3] Reserve an animal”);
System.out.println(“[4] Print a list of all dogs”);
System.out.println(“[5] Print a list of all monkeys”);
System.out.println(“[6] Print a list of all animals that are not reserved”);
System.out.println(“[q] Quit application”);
System.out.println(“Enter a menu selection\n”);

CMSC 335 Project 3

CMSC 335 Project 3

Overview In this project you will construct a Java Swing GUI that uses event handlers, listeners and incorporates Java’s concurrency functionality and the use of threads. The following book may be useful to help you become comfortable with Thread processes.
You should focus on the first 4 chapters.
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Students: Your UMUC e-mail account is your username + (example:
In addition, a zip file is included that includes several Oracle Java files that use different types of Swing components as well as threads. I recommend going through the reading and the examples to become familiar before attempting the final project.
Assignment Details
As a new engineer for a traffic congestion mitigation company, you have been tasked with developing a Java Swing GUI that displays time, traffic signals and other information for traffic analysts. The final GUI design is up to you but should include viewing ports/panels to display the following components of the simulation:
1. Current time stamps in 1 second intervals
2. Real-time Traffic light display for three major intersections
3. X, Y positions and speed of up to 3 cars as they traverse each of the 3 intersections
Some of the details of the simulation are up to you but the following guidelines will set the guardrails:
1. The components listed above should run in separate threads.
2. Loop through the simulation with button(s) providing the ability to start, pause, stop and continue the simulation.
3. You will need to use basic distance formulas such as distance = Speed * time. Be sure to be consistent and define your units of measure (e.g. mile/hour, versus km/hour)
4. Assume a straight distance between each traffic light of 1000 meters.
5. Since you are traveling a straight line, you can assume Y = 0 for your X,Y positions.
6. Provide the ability to add more cars and intersections to the simulation through the GUI.
7. Don’t worry about physics. Assume cars will stop on a dime for red lights, and continue through yellow lights and green lights.
8. Document all assumptions and limitations of your simulation.
Submission Requirements:
1. Submit all of your Java source files (each class should be in a separate .java file). These files should be zipped and submitted with the documentation.
2. UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships.
3. Developer’s guide describing how to compile and execute the program. The guide should include a comprehensive test plan that includes evidence of testing each component of the menu with screen captures and descriptions supporting each test. Documentation includes Lessons learned.
Your compressed zip file should be submitted to the Project 3 folder in LEO no later than the due date listed in the classroom calendar.
Grading Rubric:
20 points Designs a Java Swing GUI that uses event handlers, listeners and incorporates Java’s concurrency functionality and the use of threads.
40 points
Contains no coding errors.
Contains no compile warnings.
Constructs a Java Swing GUI that uses event handlers, listeners and incorporates Java’s concurrency functionality and the use of threads
Include viewing ports/panels to display the following components of the simulation:
1. Current time stamps in 1 second intervals
2. Real-time Traffic light display for three major intersections
3. X, Y positions and speed of up to 3 cars as they traverse each of the 3 intersections
The components run in separate threads.
Loop through the simulation with button(s) providing the ability to start, pause, stop and continue the simulation.
Provides the ability to add more cars and intersections to the simulation through the GUI.
Test Data
20 points
Tests the application using multiple and varied test cases.
Documentation and submission
20 points
Source code files include header comment block, including file name, date, author, purpose, appropriate comments within the code, appropriate variable and function names, correct indentation.
Submission includes Java source code files, Data files used to test your program, Configuration files used.
Documentation includes a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships.
Documentation includes a user’s Guide describing of how to set up and run your application.
Documentation includes a test plan with sample input and expected results, test data and results and screen snapshots of some of your test cases.
Documentation includes Lessons learned.
Documents all assumptions and limitations of your simulation.
Documentation is in an acceptable format.
Document is well-organized.
The font size should be 12 point.
The page margins should be one inch.
The paragraphs should be double spaced.
All figures, tables, equations, and references should be properly labeled and formatted using APA style.
The document should contain minimal spelling and grammatical errors.

BMGT 110-Introduction to Business and Management-Week 5 Discussion

BMGT 110-Introduction to Business and Management-Week 5 Discussion

Give at least one example of the following types of leaders. Explain what traits they exhibit that supports the leadership style.

  • Transformational
  • Transactional
  • Narcissistic

Go back to the business that you described in Week 4. From the list below, what style of leadership would you use to run the business? Why is that style suited to your business and the type of leader you would be?

  • Autocratic/Authoritarian
  • Laissez-Faire
  • Participative/Democratic




CMSC 335 Project 2

CMSC 335 Project 2

Overview In the project you will construct a Java Swing GUI that uses event handlers and listeners while expanding on the project 1 Shape theme. Before completing this exercise, be sure to review and try the Java class and inheritance examples and materials found in this free Safari resource:
You should focus on Chapters 24, 25, 26, and 27
If you have previously signed up for the Safari account you don’t need to sign-up again. Just use this link:
If you have not previously requested a Safari account follow the details on this page to sign-up for your Safari Account:
You’ll need to sign in using your UMGC student email account. Once you sign in, you’ll have immediate access to the content, and you’ll shortly receive an e-mail from Safari prompting you to set up a password and complete your account creation (recommended).
Students: Your UMUC e-mail account is your username + (example:
Assignment Details
Design, implement and test a set of Java classes that allows a user to select a shape from a list of available shapes, enter appropriate dimensional parameters and then display that shape in a frame of your Swing-based GUI. For 3-D shapes consider loading an image from a file and displaying that as a representative.
Your list of shapes should be similar, if not identical to the ones used in project one:
 Circle
 Square
 Triangle
 Rectangle
 Sphere
 Cube
 Cone
 Cylinder
 Torus
Take advantage of various Swing AWT components including Layout Managers, Event Handlers, Listener Interfaces, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes, Buttons and other widgets as needed.
Take your time on understanding how the graphical components and listeners work so you can easily display appropriate actions based on any event.
Submission Requirements:
1. Submit all of your Java source files (each class should be in a separate .java file). These files should be zipped and submitted with the documentation.
2. UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships.
3. Developer’s guide describing how to compile and execute the program. The guide should include a comprehensive test plan that includes evidence of testing each component of the menu with screen captures and descriptions supporting each test. Documentation includes Lessons learned.
Your compressed zip file should be submitted to the Project 2 folder in LEO no later than the due date listed in the classroom calendar.
Grading Rubric:
20 points Designs a Java class Inheritance hierarchy that would satisfy the following is-a and has-a relationships:
 Circle
 Square
 Triangle
 Rectangle
 Sphere
 Cube
 Cone
 Cylinder
 Torus
40 points
Contains no coding errors.
Contains no compile warnings.
Constructs a Java Swing GUI that uses event handlers and listeners while expanding on the project 1 Shape theme.
Displays shapes in a frame of your Swing-based GUI. For 3-D shapes consider loading an image from a file and displaying that as a representative.
Uses various Swing AWT components including Layout Managers, Event Handlers, Listener Interfaces, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes, Buttons and other widgets.
Test Data
20 points
Tests the application using multiple and varied test cases.
Documentation and submission
20 points
Source code files include header comment block, including file name, date, author, purpose, appropriate comments within the code, appropriate variable and function names, correct indentation.
Submission includes Java source code files, Data files used to test your program, Configuration files used.
Documentation includes a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships.
Documentation includes a user’s Guide describing of how to set up and run your application.
Documentation includes a test plan with sample input and expected results, test data and results and screen snapshots of some of your test cases.
Documentation includes Lessons learned.
Documentation is in an acceptable format.
Document is well-organized.
The font size should be 12 point.
The page margins should be one inch.
The paragraphs should be double spaced.
All figures, tables, equations, and references should be properly labeled and formatted using APA style.
The document should contain minimal spelling and grammatical errors.

Review each case and determine which type of perfusion applies (peripheral or central) and provide three appropriate NUR130 Perfusion Assignment

1. In your own words, differentiate peripheral perfusion versus central perfusion


2. The following patient scenarios reflect peripheral perfusion or central perfusion. Review each case and determine which type of perfusion applies (peripheral or central) and provide three appropriate assessments and three appropriate interventions with rationales that these patients will need (total of four cases).

A. Patient with a history of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hypertension presents to the emergency room with complaints of chest pain, nausea, and shortness of breath. The patient is diagnosed and admitted for stable angina. What type of perfusion applies to this case? What are the appropriate assessments and interventions for this patient?


B. Patient with a history of type I diabetes, osteoarthritis, obesity, atherosclerosis and arterial occlusive disease. Patient presents to the doctor’s office with complaints of increased pain when ambulating but states, “The pain goes away when I stop walking.” What type of perfusion applies to this case? What are the appropriate assessments and intervention for this patient?


C. Patient with a right distal radius fracture after a recent motor vehicle crash. A cast was applied and one week later presents to the emergency room with complaints of extreme pain not relieved by prescribed pain medication. Patient rates pain 10/10, unable to move fingers, and has +2 edema. What type of perfusion applies to this case? What are the appropriate assessments and intervention for this patient?


D. Patient post-op for an anterior cervical fusion of the spine has just finished surgery. Report from the operating room (OR) nurse to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurse includes that during surgery the estimated blood loss (EBL) was 800 mL. Vital signs include: 89/52, 120, 16, and a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The patient’s pulse oximeter reading is 93% on 2 liters nasal cannula (NC). The patient is drowsy, has CRT’s >3 seconds, and is restless. What type of perfusion applies to this case?

What are the appropriate assessments and interventions for this patient? (1 point)


E. Reflect on the overall concept of perfusion after planning client specific interventions and treatments (ONE reflection for all cases).


Answer Preview

  1. A) This case reflects central perfusion. Appropriate assessments for this patient may include:
  2. Vital signs monitoring: Assessing blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate to evaluate the patient’s hemodynamic status.
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG): To assess for any abnormalities in cardiac rhythm and identify any ischemic changes.
  4. Cardiac enzyme levels: Such as troponin, to help determine if there is ongoing myocardial damage.

Appropriate interventions for this patient may include:

  1. Administering nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin helps to relieve chest pain by dilating coronary arteries, improving blood flow to the heart.

Oxygen therapy: Supplemental oxygen can help improve oxygenation and*************



No. Of WOrds: 1035

Pages : 4

Format : APA

Assignment lecture #3 1. Construct an AON network based on the following: ACTIVITY IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR(S) A – B – C – D A, B E C

Assignment lecture #3 1. Construct an AON network based on the following:


2. Insert a dummy activity and event to correct the following AOA network:

8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 2

Assignment (cont’d) 3. The City Commission of Nashville has decided to build a botanical garden and picnic area in

the heart of the city for the recreation of its citizens. The precedence table for all the activities required to construct this area successfully is given.



A Planning Find location; determine resource requirements 20 None B Purchasing Requisition of lumber and sand 60 Planning C Excavation Dig and grade 100 Planning D Sawing Saw lumber into appropriate sizes 30 Purchasing E Placement Position lumber in correct locations 20 Sawing, excavation F Assembly Nail lumber together 10 Placement G Infill Put sand in and under the equipment 20 Assembly H Out-fill Put dirt around the equipment 10 Assembly I Decoration Put grass all over the garden, landscape, paint 30 Infill, out-fill

a) Draw the Gantt chart for the whole construction activity. b) Draw the AON network for the construction activity. c) Draw the AOA network for the construction activity.

8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 3

Assignment (cont’d) 4. The planning department of an electronics firm has set up the activities for developing and production of a

new MP3 Player. Given the information below, develop a project network using Microsoft Project. Assume a five-day workweek and the project starts on January 4, 2020.

Activity ID Description Activity Predecessor Activity Time (weeks)

1 Staff None 2 2 Develop market program 1 3 3 Select channels of distribution 1 8 4 Patent 1 12 5 Pilot production 1 4 6 Test market 5 4 7 Ad promotion 2 4 8 Set up for production 4, 6 16

The project team has requested that you create a network for the project, and determine if the project can be completed in 45 weeks.

MATH3070 Assignment: Size spectrum modelling

MATH3070 Assignment: Size spectrum modelling

This assignment is based on the ZooMSS (Zooplankton Model of Size Spectra) we are
describing in class and using in tutorials. Its formulation is detailed in Heneghan et al. (2020)
– see the MATH3070 Blackboard site under Learning Resources/Size spectrum modelling –
Anthony/References + Extra material/.
In this assignment, you will conduct a sensitivity analysis, obtain outputs, and interpret your
answers. A sensitivity analysis is a study of how the inputs of a model affect its outputs – in
essence, which are the most and least important inputs to the model output. You can learn a
lot about a model by conducting a sensitivity analysis. We will conduct a simple sensitivity
analysis on a selection of model parameters by varying one parameter at a time while keeping
all others constant.
To answer the following questions, run the simulations then use the outputs and your
understanding from the equations in the lectures to explain changes in zooplankton and fish
biomass. To make it easier to compare outputs from different simulations, there is a csv
output file with all the parameters included in the simulation, together with its results. See
the following code near the end of setup_RUN_NAME_MATH3070.R. What does this code
df <- data.frame(Groups, Abundance = Sspecies, Biomass = WWspecies,
TrophicLevel = TL, CarbonBiomass = C)
write.csv(x = df, file = paste0(“Outputs”, jobname, “.csv”))
For your assignment answers, you will want to use a combination of the graphs and values
for objects in setup_RUN_NAME_MATH3070.R. Note that the variables Sspecies
(Abundance), WWspecies (Wet weight), TL (Trophic level) and C (Carbon biomass) all are
vectors 12 long, representing the 2 microzooplankton (flagellates and ciliates), 7 main
zooplankton groups (larvaceans, omnivorous copepods, carnivorous copepods, euphausiids,
chaetognaths, salps, jellyfish), and 3 fish groups (small, medium and large). Their order is the
same as in the Species variable in Test_Groups.csv. Also note that the variables Ssize
(Abundance) and WWsize (Wet weight) are both vectors 178 long, with each element
representing the size classes in the model. The size classes are ordered from smallest to
To help interpret your outputs, please report the wet weight biomass for total zooplankton
and total fish (you will need to sum the required elements in WWspecies – the elements are
ordered the same as in TestGroups.csv). In your answers, you can also use output from the
plots provided, with ggBiomassSizeSpec (ggplot of the Unnormalised Biomass Size Spectrum)
and ggBiomassTS (ggplot of biomass of the functional groups over time) being the most
The base case simulation
All simulations will be run in comparison to the base case simulation with parameter values
provided in TestGroups.csv. If you think you might have changed the default values, download
another copy from Github:
For this assignment, you will only need to run the program setup_RUN_NAME_MATH3070.R
– it calls all other functions needed. To run the sensitivity analysis on a parameter, make sure
you are either modifying the TestGroups.csv file or modify the respective variables in the code
after reading the file.
For the sensitivity analyses in the assignment questions, use a sea surface temperature (sst)
of 15°C and a Chlorophyll-a concentration (chlo) of 0.2 mg.m-3, close to the global mean for
each variable. You will need to modify the enviro_data object. So, in
setup_RUN_NAME_MATH3070.R, you should set:
enviro_data <- fZooMSS_CalculatePhytoParam(data.frame(cellID = 1,
sst = 15,
chlo = 0.2,
dt = 0.01))
For the sensitivity analyses, change the parameter for all the main zooplankton groups
(larvaceans, omnivorous copepods, carnivorous copepods, euphausiids, chaetognaths, salps,
jellyfish), and keep all others (flagellates, ciliate, small fish, medium fish, large fish)
Note that questions marked * are part of the assignment (i.e., 7 questions). The other
questions can be attempted and answers will be provided, but they are not part of the
assignment questions.
*1. Run the base case scenario. Describe the outputs. You will be able to use these outputs
to compare with the sensitivity analyses and projections below.
Sensitivity analysis: How does changing the search volume change the model output?
The search volume is the volume of water that an animal can search per unit time to ingest
food. The search volume is an allometric relationship, with a coefficient (𝛾 from lectures and
SearchCoef in TestGroups.csv) and exponent (𝛼 from lectures and SearchExp in
*2. The default value for the coefficient of the search volume is 640. Run simulations changing
the search volume coefficient to 480 and then 800 for all zooplankton groups. What happens
to zooplankton and fish, and the size spectrum and how does biomass change through time.
Explain what is happening.
3. The default value for the search volume exponent is 0.8. Change this to 0.7 and then 0.9.
What happens to zooplankton and fish and why? When interpreting what happens, note that
the weights for zooplankton are <1.
4. Which parameter do you think we would need to know more precisely in the model?
Explain your answer.
Sensitivity analysis: How do the Predator Prey Mass Ratios change the model output?
The Predator Prey Mass Ratios (PPMRs, called 𝛽 in lectures and PPMR in TestGroups.csv) is
the relative biomasses of the predator and their preferred prey. Changing PPMR in the model
is a bit more challenging than other parameters because the PPMR of some groups changes
with body size, rather than remaining constant as an organism grows. This is reflected in
TestGroups.csv by the NA for PPMR, and the PPMRscale parameter, which includes the nonlinear
scaling with body size. To set the PPMR to be constant for each group across its body
size, change the PPMR value in TestGroups.csv from NA to any particular value, and change
the PPMRscale to NA (see below).
*5. The lowest PPMR for zooplankton is about 3. So, let’s see what happens if we set the
PPMR of all zooplankton groups to 3. Describe the outputs. To run this simulation, the
relevant columns in your TestGroups.csv should look like this:
*6. A high PPMR for zooplankton is 1,000,000 (they get even higher though!). Set the PPMRs
for all zooplankton groups to 1,000,000. What happens and why? Comment on the stability
of the system
*7. How does PPMR generally impact the system. How does the PPMR change the slope of
the size spectrum?
Sensitivity analysis: How does the carbon content of the zooplankton change the model
The carbon content (called Carbon in TestGroups.csv and 𝐶 in the lectures) is the proportion
of body mass that is carbon and reflects the nutritional value of food. For example, jellyfish
have a carbon content of 0.005 of their mass because they are mainly water. They can thus
be heavy (lots of water), but they are not very nutritious (not much carbon).
8. Set the carbon content for all zooplankton groups to be that of jellyfish. What happens
and why?
9. Set the carbon content for all zooplankton groups to be that of the crustacean groups (i.e.
0.12). What happens? Interpret your answer.
Projections: How might climate change affect marine ecosystems, especially fish?
To answer this question, we will not conduct a sensitivity analysis, but instead make
projections for the future. You will now be changing the sst and chlo columns in the
enviro_data object.
But before you do, make sure you change the TestGroups.csv back to its default values. You
can always redownload it from GitHub if needed.
*10. Under a high emissions scenario in 2100, global mean sea surface temperature is likely
to increase by about 3°C, depending on the Earth System Model considered. Set the
temperature for the model to 3°C above the current global mean temperature we have been
using. Run a simulation with the default parameter values in TestGroups.csv. How does global
warming impact the marine ecosystem in ZooMSS? Why?
*11. Warming of the ocean surface layer increases the stratification in the ocean, decreases
nutrients in surface waters, and leads to declines in phytoplankton (chlorophyll-a). Under a
high emissions future scenario, chlorophyll-a is projected to decline by 25% in many ocean
regions. How does the impact of climate change on declining chlorophyll-a affect the marine
ecosystem modelled in ZooMSS? Why? Is warming or the decline in chlorophyll-a likely to be
more important for future fisheries?
12. Finally, run a simulation with the temperature and chlorophyll-a changes together, and
see what happens. Interpret your answer. What could this mean for fisheries globally and
human livelihoods?

an air purifier manufacturer is looking for ideas on using edge computing to enhance its products and services

an air purifier manufacturer is looking for ideas on using edge computing to enhance its products and services.


which approach would make use of edge computing technologies?


a-a local support staff based in the customer’s geographic location for more rapid responses

b-a scheduling feature that activates a customer’s air purifier at a defined time each day

c-an automated program that can interpret customer service requests and assign agents accordingly

d-a device in the customer’s home that detects air quality levels and sends alerts when needed

e-i don’t know this yet

Learning Activity 1 and 2 focus on contract formation, voluntary consent, void and voidable contracts, adequacy of consideration and the Statute of Frauds.

Learning Activity 1 and 2 focus on contract formation, voluntary consent, void and voidable contracts, adequacy of consideration and the Statute of Frauds.


Scenario: Myrna, a 40-year old teacher, wants to move to Chicago because of a job offer.  She owns a house in St. Louis, her current residence, which has been appraised and valued by a professional real estate appraiser at $500,000.

She posted a “For Sale” sign in the yard that stated “Make an Offer”.  Ned, who is a casual friend of Myrna&#39;s, responded to the sign and made an appointment with Myrna to tour her house. Later, Ned invited Myrna to dinner to discuss the house and a possible sale. Myrna and Ned had a leisurely dinner, and 2 glasses of wine each with dinner.   At the end of dinner, Ned offered Myrna $225,000 for her house; Myrna accepted.

Ned and Myrna signed a sales contract, but before the deal was completed and before the deed was transferred to Ned, Myrna&#39;s relatives tried to urge Myrna to cancel the cancel the contract claiming that the contract was unenforceable.

Analyze the deal between Myrna and Ned.  Is the contract enforceable?  Why or why not?