Review the Week 4 Descriptive Statistics SPSS Output provided in this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Review the Week 4 Descriptive Statistics SPSS Output provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the Learning Resources on how to interpret descriptive statistics, including how to interpret research outcomes.
  • Consider the results presented in the SPSS output and reflect on how you might interpret the frequency distributions and the descriptive statistics presented.
    Summarize your interpretation of the frequency data provided in the output for respondent’s age, highest school grade completed, and family income from prior month.
  • Note: A frequency analysis is way of summarizing data by depicting the number of times a data value occurs in the data table or output. It is used to analyze the data set including where the data are concentrated or clustered, the range of values, observation of extreme values, and to determine intervals for analysis that could make sense in categorizing your variable values.
  • Summarize your interpretation of the descriptive statistics provided in the output for respondent’s age, highest school grade completed, race and ethnicity, currently employed, and family income from prior month.
  • Note: The descriptive analysis includes N (size of your sample), the mean, the median, the standard deviation, the size and spread of your data to determine the variability/variance in your data.

Cindy is a 57-year-old single female who works as a graphic designer at a midsized paper manufacturer. She describes herself as being very shy and private. She weighs 358 lbs and is 5′ 8″ tall. She ha

Personal Health Records – Patient Concerns

In this writing assignment, you will write a one- to two-page paper in which you describe concerns in managing a personal health record.

Step 1 Read the scenario:

· Cindy is a 57-year-old single female who works as a graphic designer at a midsized paper manufacturer. She describes herself as being very shy and private. She weighs 358 lbs and is 5′ 8″ tall. She has recently lost her mother and is greatly concerned about improving her own health. She has been diagnosed with the following conditions: type II diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.


· For each condition, she sees a different provider in a different healthcare institution. However, all the institutions are affiliated with a large regional healthcare system. Cindy takes five prescription medications for her conditions and fills them at three different pharmacies, each located near one of her providers. In the past, she has kept her medical records in a box in her closet. She has become frustrated with the lack of communication between her providers and her relationship with them.

Step 2 Include responses to the following questions when you write your paper:

· What benefits do personal health records (PHRs) bring to patients?

· What concerns do personal health records (PHRs) bring to patients?

· What concerns do you envision Cindy having with adopting a PHR?

· Do you feel those concerns outweigh the benefits of adopting a PHR? Why or why not?

· How could these barriers be overcome?

· Where would Cindy seek guidance in adopting a PHR?

· Given the facts of this scenario of multiple health providers, multiple prescriptions, multiple pharmacies, and no PHR, how many potential points of failure exist in the overall care of this patient? Will a PHR help eliminate all or even some of these points of failure?

Cite any sources in APA, 7th edition with links to websites included.

For this assignment, log-in to each social media platform for which you have an account. Review your profile and most recent activity including pictures and posts. If you do not have a social media account,

NRS-415-Professional Accountability Reflection

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate personal and professional accountability in the context of social media. Social media plays a significant role in modern society and is now a common tool used by individuals and organizations alike to evaluate a person’s values, authenticity, and reputation. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates for employment. Inappropriate or unprofessional conduct on social media can pose legal problems for nurses as well as damage public trust in nursing.

For this assignment, log-in to each social media platform for which you have an account. Review your profile and most recent activity including pictures and posts. If you do not have a social media account, access one of the following social media platforms in order to view the social media posts and activities of others: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok. Reflect on the information and content you and others post on a daily basis.

In 500-750 words, summarize your findings. Include the following in your summary:

1. Describe the posts, conversations, and images you evaluated.

2. Does the activity on social media appear to align with your personal values and the professional values of your discipline?

3. Would family, friends, and colleagues consider the posts, conversations, and images authentic and representative of who you are as unique individuals?

4. Does the activity on social media respect the human value and dignity of others as reflected in Christian values?

5. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with professional values, regulatory requirements, and workplace policies in both personal and professional interactions. Include a discussion of how personal conduct can violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 or be considered unethical and unprofessional. Provide an example to support your answer.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 6.1, 8.1, 8.5, 9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.2.

In Week 7, you will work with a team to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for implementing a health information system and create a podcast targeting the board to gain their approval for the implementation.

In Week 7, you will work with a team to conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for implementing a health information system and create a podcast targeting the board to gain their approval for the implementation.

A few things you should do to prepare to complete the assignment are:

  • Click Vila Health: Value and Stakeholder Communication to complete the media simulation.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Cost-Benefit Analysis [DOCX] template that you will use to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to implement the selected health information system.
  • Take a moment to review sources and conduct additional research as needed. You are encouraged to draw upon a range of resources, including course readings, materials from the Capella library, and reputable sources on the Internet, to ensure thorough research and informed decision-making.

To prepare you for this work your instructor will assign you to teams and set up a team discussion link where you can begin interacting. You will need to meet regularly with your team and as needed to develop the Week 7 team assignment.

In the weeks leading up to the assignment, allocate time with your team to conduct any requisite research, ensuring that each member contributes effectively toward meeting the stipulated criteria laid out in the assignment. For a comprehensive understanding of the assignment’s expectations and grading, refer to the Week 7 assignment instructions and rubric.




DUE DATE : Monday, March 25(!!!), by 9:00 pm! Please submit in Canvas, “Assignments,” only!  This task sheet has 3 PARTS (I, II, III). You must complete ALL 3 PARTS for credit.  ONLY submit Task Sheets that are complete and based on the assigned readings and videos!

READINGS [ALL READINGS CAN BE ACCESSED VIA MODULE: WEEK 8 ] Linda Weintraub (et al.): “David Hammons” Amy Harrison: Guerrillas In Our Midst,1992 [see Module: Week 8 and Module: Videos] Guerrilla Girls: AND Guy Hepner: “Banksy: Art as a Political Weapon”(Guy Hepner Art Gallery): On Banksy’s Dismaland

INTRODUCTION Throughout history, art and politics have continuously been intertwined and artists have employed ever new art media and practices to express their opinions and engage audiences. Especially since the 1960s, artists took to the streets with legally and illegally placed artworks in the public sphere, thereby creating another form of activist art. They intentionally boycott mainstream art institutions and the gallery system, as well as circumvent an art market deemed racist, sexist, money hungry and generally hypocritical. Public and street artists often angle their poignant critique at the art world as well as at the world, focusing their art on social conditions and injustices, political conflicts, and other current issues.

PART I: PUBLIC ART: DAVID HAMMONS: URBAN SCULPTURES FROM URBAN DEBRIS Key Term: Public Art The term public art refers to works of art in any media that have been planned and executed with the specific intention of being sited or staged in the physical public domain, usually outside and accessible to all. This term came to signify a particular working practice, often implying that a work of art is site specific, that there is community involvement and/or that it is a collaboration. The term is also applied to include artwork that is exhibited in a public space, including publicly accessible buildings.

Key Artist: David Hammons

David Hammons: Higher Goals, Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn, NYC, 1986

David Hammons, born 1943 in Illinois, went to L.A. City College, then to Otis Art Institute (L.A.), where his work became concerned with African American experiences. In the mid-seventies, Hammons moved to Harlem, NY, where he began to search the streets for litter he used as material for many of his artworks in order to connect to the community. Hammons created many of his pieces in public places around NYC, and especially in impoverished neighborhoods, because he wanted to communicate with people outside of the art mainstream. His mixed media installation, Higher Goals, was influenced by Simon Rodia’s Watts Towers, in the Watts district of Los Angeles.



YOUR TASKS FOR PART I Read: Linda Weintraub (et al.): “David Hammons”

Please answer the following THREE questions in 6-8 sentences EACH: 1) Explain why David Hammons placed his mixed media sculpture, Higher Goals, in impoverished and then predominantly Black neighborhoods of Harlem and Brooklyn, NYC., according to the text. 2) Explain why David Hammons, according to the text, used debris discarded and found in NYC neighborhoods, such as thousands of bottle caps to create intricate patterns around the telephone poles, as well as basket ball hoops and other found objects. 3) Explain the message of Higher Goals according to the text, and how it connects to the specific community within which the artist placed Higher Goals. —————————————————————————————————————————

INTRO TO PART II AND III: STREET ART AND GRAFFITI “The underlying impetus behind Street Art grew out of the belief that art should function in opposition to, and sometimes even outside of, the hegemonic system of laws, property, and ownership; be accessible, rather than hidden away inside galleries, museums, and private collections; and be democratic and empowering, in that all people (regardless of race, age, gender, economic status, etc.) should be able to create art and have it be seen by others. Although some street artists do create installations or sculpture, they are more widely known for the use of unconventional art mediums such as spray paint, stencils, wheat paste posters, and stickers. Street Art has also been called independent public art, post-graffiti, and guerrilla art.” [Source:]

PART II: THE GUERRILLA GIRLS: CONSCIENCE OF THE ART WORLD Key Artist Collective: Guerrilla Girls Guerrilla Girls is an anonymous group of anonymous women artists and art professionals devoted to fighting sexism and racism within the art world, calling themselves the “conscience of the art world.” The group formed in New York City in 1985 in order to expose the continuing gender and racial inequality in the art community and in society in general, as well as corruption and conflicts of interest in museums and the movie industry. They use humor and guerrilla tactics in their work in order to make their serious messages engaging. The Guerrilla Girls have created posters, billboards, a public transportation campaign [see right], books, lectures, interviews, public appearances and websites to distribute their messages to a large audience across the US and beyond.

Y OUR TASKS FOR PART II View: Amy Harrison: Guerrillas In Our Midst,1992 [see Module: Week 8 and Module: Videos] Read: Guerrilla Girls: AND

Please answer the following FOUR questions in 6-8 sentences EACH: 1) Summarize the Guerrilla Girls’ story according to their website [see above websites]. 2) Explain why the Guerrilla Girls chose to remain anonymous as well as why they placed their art – often illegally – in form of posters etc. in the public sphere instead of in museums and galleries. 3) Pick one of the Guerrilla Girls posters or billboards and explain it, including where it was placed. 4) Please add your reflections on the Guerrilla Girls and whether you believe their strategies and artwork were/are effective in addressing inequality in the art community and beyond.



PART III: GRAFFITI: BANKSY: ‘ART AS A POLITICAL WEAPON’ Key Term: Graffiti (Art Movement) Graffiti [from the Italian word graffiato (“scratched”)] has come to refer to art that is written, painted or drawn on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Emerging in the 1970s in the context of urban neglect, impoverishment, discrimination, and the hip hop movement, Graffiti has since become a major and respected art form and entered the art mainstream. However, it is still considered subversive and controversial, as it is often created without permission and thus considered defacement or vandalism by city officials and property owners, or even an urban “problem” in many cities across the globe.

Key Artist: Banksy Acclaimed British [Bristol-born] artist and political activist, publicly known as Banksy, rose to fame in the 1990s with his now iconic stenciling technique, strategically placed, in order to create powerful artworks that respond to current societal and political issues. Banksy, who is, as Hepner writes in his article, “[c]ombining dark political humor and satirical wit, is certainly the most controversial street artist on the modern global stage.” Banksy has described graffiti and street art as a form of underclass “revenge” that grants an individual the ability to take the power back from the privileged, as for generations, “real” art was something only accessible to the elite.

YOUR TASKS FOR PART III Read: Guy Hepner: “Banksy: Art as a Political Weapon”(Guy Hepner Art Gallery): View: On Banksy’s Dismaland [You may use further material, however, please reference ALL sources you used!]

Please answer the following THREE questions in 6-8 sentences EACH: 1) When it comes to Banksy’s artworks, the location is very often part of the message he is conveying. Using one example, explain how the placing of his powerful artworks is connected to their meaning. 2) View the video on Banksy’s spoof on Disneyland called Dismaland, a temporary “bemusement park” he set up in Weston Super Mare, England, in 2015. Explain the park and some of the current social and political issues he was calling attention to, as well as how he subverted Disneyland. 3) Please add your reflections on Banksy and whether you believe his strategy and artworks were/are effective in addressing social and political issues.

Banksy: Season’s Greetings, 2018, in Port Talbot, Wales, one of the most polluted towns

Banksy in Birmingham, England, 2019. Created before the Holidays as homeless deaths hit a new high in England that year


  • PART I: public art: David hammons: URBAN SCULPTURES FROM URBAN debris
  • PART III: GRAFFITI: Banksy: ‘Art as a Political Weapon’

Step 1: For this assignment, choose one disease process (example: diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, depression, heart disease, etc.).

Please read these instructions and  follow each step.

Step 1: For this assignment, choose one disease process (example: diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, depression, heart disease, etc.).

Step 2: Choose two (2) patient-based medical applications.

· When choosing these applications, think about being the patient. What applications would help you? What applications might you download to your Smartphone and why?

· Use  Green & Murphy’s (2016) article entitled “50 Healthcare Applications for Clinicians and Consumers to Know”  to complete this section or  use a healthcare application that you find in your own search .

Step 3: Create the first concept map for patient-based medical applications

· Choose three criteria from the list below which you used to select the chosen application by asking yourself –  Does the app:

· Inform: Provide information in a variety of formats (text, photo, video)

· Instruct: Provide instructions to the user

· Record: Capture user entered data

· Display: Graphically display user entered data/output user entered data

· Guide: Provide guidance based on user-entered information (e., recommend a physician consultation or course of treatment)

· Remind/Alert: Provide reminders to the user

· Communicate: Provide communication with the user and/or provide links to social networks.

· Briefly describe how the application meets the criteria in each of the concept map nodes/sections

Step 4: Choose one (1) provider-based medical application.

· When choosing this application, think about being the provider (nurse, doctor, advanced practice nurse). What application would help you? What application might you download to your Smartphone and why?

· Use  Green & Murphy’s (2016) article entitled “50 Healthcare Applications for Clinicians and Consumers to Know”  to complete this section or  use a healthcare application that you find in your own search .

Step 5: Create the second concept map for provider-based medical applications

· Choose three criteria from the list below which you used to select the chosen application by asking yourself –  Does the app :

· Inform: Provide information in a variety of formats (text, photo, video)

· Instruct: Provide instructions to the user

· Record: Capture user entered data

· Display: Graphically display user entered data/output user entered data

· Guide: Provide guidance based on user-entered information (e., recommend a physician consultation or course of treatment)

· Remind/Alert: Provide reminders to the user

· Briefly describe how the application meets the criteria in each of the concept map nodes/sections

Step 6: Using the Galen library, research a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles related to the topics associated with the medical applications.

· Explain how the research supports the use of medical applications in practice. Provide this summary (one paragraph with at least 5-7 sentences) in the box at the bottom of the concept map template provided by your faculty member or you may create your own.

Important note to students: Pay close attention not only to the details of this assignment but also to the spelling, grammar, and syntax of your work.  You are encouraged to use your Galen resources such as Grammarly, APA Style Central, etc. to complete this assignment. 

G-1Frances moved in with her mother, Beatrice, when Beatrice’s health started to fail. Frances cared for her mother as a devoted child would and never expected anything in return. When Beatrice needed to move

Instructions: Due Sunday 03/23


At least 2 pages long with 3 peer-reviewed references.


G-1Frances moved in with her mother, Beatrice, when Beatrice’s health started to fail. Frances cared for her mother as a devoted child would and never expected anything in return. When Beatrice needed to move to a nursing home, she legally transferred the home to Frances for $1,000 and “other valuable consideration.” The house had cost Beatrice $50,000 many years ago, and on the date of the transfer it was valued at $150,000. At the time of the transfer, Beatrice was insolvent, as she owed the IRS $250,000 in back taxes and interest for several years. A few months after the transfer of the house, the IRS filed a notice of federal tax lien for Beatrice’s unpaid taxes. The IRS has filed against Frances for $150,000 of her mother’s taxes, as Frances is in possession of the only valuable asset Beatrice has owned. Can the IRS collect taxes from Frances?


G-2The IRS audited the Loser Corporation’s return filed two years ago. The IRS found substantial under-reporting of income and is proposing to review Loser’s returns for the six prior years. Loser knows it underreported its taxable income on its timely filed tax return five years ago. It reported $80,000 of gross sales, $10,000 product returns, and $60,000 costs of goods sold. Its actual amounts were $100,000 gross sales, $2,000 returns, and $40,000 cost of goods sold. Does the IRS have the right to audit this return from five years ago?



G-5Paul and Patty Nelson own a home in Nelsonville, Ohio, and maintain apartments in Lexington, Kentucky, New York City (part year), and Philadelphia (part year). Their cars are registered in Kentucky, and they have driver’s licenses from Kentucky. However, the Nelsons consider Nelsonville their “home” because their house was inherited from Paul’s parents and has been in the family for more than 150 years. During the year, Paul traveled between Kentucky and Nelsonville numerous times. Patty did not usually accompany Paul, as she works for a consulting firm on engagements in New York City and Philadelphia. The home office of her employer is in Chicago, but she never works in Illinois. Paul’s sales region for his job is Kentucky and Indiana. For purposes of taking expenses while away from home, Paul and Patty use their Nelsonville home. Is this correct? Where is the Nelsons’ tax home?

BMAL 604 Leading across global cultures

BMAL 604 Leading across global cultures